Product training directly in your company or home working environment with live streaming

Summer 2020: due to the exceptional situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, virtual forms of training are in greater demand than ever before. Even at a time of social distancing, however, employees working in sales, distribution, marketing, and customer service can still be provided with in-depth training about new products. The live streaming training format is almost certain to remain indispensable in the future, as participants can attend directly from their workplace or while working from home. That is why Formation4You and our team have invested heavily in the necessary technology to be able to conduct extremely interesting and professional live streaming for product training.
To be able to hold a gripping live streaming session, in addition to the necessary technology, we need suitable premises to be able to put the products in the right light, where they can also be presented and explained by our competent training team on an optimum basis.
All the participants need is an end device with an internet connection and a speaker (PC, laptop, iPad, mobile phone, etc.) The Invitation to the live streaming is sent via an internet link by e-mail or by internal systems by the client to the respective traget group. In order to be able to maintain a high level of quality during possible questions, up to 25 people can follow the live-treated training at the same time. Depending on the content being conveyed, these kinds of sequences last between 60 and 90 minutes.
“In contrast to web tutorials or webinars, the participants are connected with us live, and can communicate directly with both us and the customer”, explains training expert Hubert Ortner. The communication takes place via the computer keyboard or keypad. “This means that there is an interactive exchange of knowledge and experience, which on the one hand gives participants the opportunity to ask us questions immediately and at the same time we can answer individual questions or go into more depth on topics during the live streaming, should this be necessary for the group”, explains Ortner, highlighting the advantages offered by his virtual training courses.
The live streaming training sessions are held in Switzerland in Swiss German, French and Italian, in Germany and Austria in German and for international customers also in English.
Please contact us for a non-binding consultation: